Savings on Overstock of Refurbished Ramps

Savings on Overstock of Refurbished Ramps

    Wheelchair ramps are a practical and cost-effective solution that improves the lifestyle of those with limited mobility. It allows users to gain their independence and freedom as they navigate safely in and around their home. Benefits of at home...
Just a Grab Bar or Two

Just a Grab Bar or Two

Last week, a client called Home Safety Services to request service for “a grab bar or two” in her shower. During the assessment, our technician inquired as to whether she had any other concerns including the stairs at her entrances. Fast forward to a week...
The New Service Vans are Here!

The New Service Vans are Here!

Recently Home Safety Services rolled out new service vans which serve as mobile showrooms and are fully equipped with all of the necessary items to help prevent falls in your home.  The fully wrapped vans are packed full of our most common solutions and, of course,...