By Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA — March 23, 2021 It costs considerably more to live in an assisted-living setting than to remain at home. But our healthcare system frequently doesn’t address the changes to the “infrastructure” necessary to allow individuals to...
According to the California Department of Health, there are over 420,786 annually reported falls throughout the state resulting in 348,946 patient emergency room visits. Falls continue to be one of the leading causes for deaths of individuals over the age of 65. The...
Given the increased risks of Covid-19 in congregate living settings, more families are taking a second look at staying in their own homes and making some modifications to make it safe for them to do so. Technology solutions have largely solved the challenges...
Home Modifications and Cerebral Palsy Building and home modifications provide barrier-free access and inclusion for any individual, with or without disability. Designers use the term “design for all” to describe products, services and systems designed for use...